Come join us at our quarterly Asian American Studies Undergraduate Check-In! For the Fall 2018 Check-In, we will be joined by our NEW Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, Professor Jennifer Chun. Professor Chun will be introducing themselves to undergraduates as well as sharing tips on preparing for graduate school. Come prepared with questions!
Please RSVP by October 22nd so we can order enough dinner for everyone: https://f18undergradcheckin.eventbrite.com
More about Professor Jennifer Chun:
Jennifer Jihye Chun is Associate Professor in the Asian American Studies Department and the International Institute at UCLA. She was previously on the faculty at the University of Toronto (2012-18) and the University of British Columbia (2006-12). She has published widely on the changing world of precarious work and labor politics, with a focus on the intersections of gender, race, class and migration in comparative and global perspective. She is the author of the award-winning book, Organizing at the Margins: The Symbolic Politics of Labor in South Korea and the United States (Cornell University Press, 2009). She recently co-edited a 2018 special issue of Critical Sociology entitled, “Care Work in Transition: Transnational Circuits of Gender, Care and Migration” with Heidi Gottfried and a 2018 special volume in Political Power and Social Theory entitled, “Gendering Struggles Against Informal and Precarious Work” with Rina Agarwala. She is currently writing a book monograph on public cultures of protest in South Korea with Ju Hui Judy Han. She is the former President (2010-14) and Vice-President (2006-10) of the Labour Movements Research Committee (RC44) of the International Sociology Association. She is currently serving as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Asia and Asian American section of the American Sociological Association.