Social Networks in a Transnational World Symposium

UCLA Anderson School of Management Room A202 Los Angeles, CA, United States

Social Networks in a Transnational World: Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs in the United States Symposium co-organized by UCLA Asia Pacific Center and Center for India and South Asia Saturday, October 13, 2018 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM UCLA Anderson School of Management Room A202 (David & Janet Polak Classroom) RSVP:

Inaugural Cultural Resonance in Contemporary Bodies Dance Festival at UCI (Oct. 14-16)

University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA, United States

Please join us to experience innovative dance performances by three leading Asian American female choreographers who experiment with classical and modern forms of diverse cultural traditions.  The festival explores “new narratives” regarding culture, difference, and social justice through embodied performance.  This event launches the UCI AAPI Womxn in Leadership Initiative, which showcases diverse leaders and […]

UCLA Study Abroad Fair (10/16)

Ackerman Union Grand Ballroom Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA Study Abroad Fair Tuesday, October 16, 11:00am - 3:00pm Ackerman Grand Ballroom The International Education Office invites you to attend the annual UCLA Study Abroad Fair, one of the largest in California.  This is a great opportunity to explore international opportunities, speak directly with program representatives, chat with recently returned students and learn about financial […]

GEC – Global Education Collaborative Launch Event

Moore Hall 3340 Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for the launch event and first official meeting of the Global Education Collaborative   The GEC is launching this year, with the support of funding from the Dean's Student Support Initiative, as a student-led organization dedicated to creating a collaborative academic, professional, and supportive space for students and scholars of working on […]

Major Blast (10/17)

Carnesale Commons Los Angeles, CA, United States

Meet Asian American Studies at the annual Major Blast! Major Blast is a large-scale resource fair for UCLA Students! This event connects students with key academic information, resources, and services. Meet with counselors and explore over 100 Majors and Minors: Through participation in the program, students have the unique opportunity to speak with academic advisors, counselors […]

Adjudicating Personhood and Deportability: The Social Project of Adopting Children from Korea

RSVP for location Los Angeles, CA, United States

October 18, 2018  11 am to 12:15 pm Enjoy art exhibits, live dance performances, spoken word, and an acoustic concert all in one afternoon. Admission is free. The Department of Asian American Studies Presents: Adjudicating Personhood and Deportability: The Social Project of Adopting Children from Korea Tammy Ko Robinson Cosponsored by: Center for the Study […]

Graduate Student Funding Workshop (10/19)

2125 Rolfe Hall Los Angeles, CA, United States

With grant/scholarship deadlines looming ahead, what better way to get ahead and up-to-speed than to attend the Asian American Studies Department Funding Workshop! Learn about specific funding opportunities from Graduate Division Fellowships & Financial Services (Chérie Francis), the Center for the Study of Women (Kristina Nyden), the Institute of American Cultures (Melany Dela Cruz), the […]

Fall 2018 LGBTQ Open House (10/19)

Haines A9 Los Angeles, CA, United States

LGBTQ STUDIES FALL 2018 OPEN HOUSE October 19, 2018 | 11:00AM-1:00PM| Haines Hall A9 Come and learn about UCLA's exciting LGBTQ Studies program! The Program offers: undergraduate courses; a minor program; unique research opportunities; and more! Meet new and continuing students, faculty and program staff. Refreshments will be served NO RSVP REQUIRED; STUDENTS FROM ALL […]

LGBTQS Minor Open House

Haines A9 Los Angeles, CA, United States

LGBTQ STUDIES FALL 2018 OPEN HOUSE October 19, 2018 | 11:00AM-1:00PM| Haines Hall A9 Come and learn about UCLA's exciting LGBTQ Studies program! The Program offers: undergraduate courses; a minor program; unique research opportunities; and more! Meet new and continuing students, faculty and program staff.   Refreshments will be served NO RSVP REQUIRED; STUDENTS FROM […]

APA Affirmative Action Panel

UCLA James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA, United States

OCT. 23 • 6:30 P.M. UCLA JAMES WEST ALUMNI CENTER   As affirmative action returns to the forefront of discussions around education and civil rights, the Asian Pacific Alumni of UCLA and Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association invite you to join us for a panel discussion that will address the arguments at issue in the […]