November 9, 2018, Friday
9:00am – 4:30 pm
Haines Hall 352
UCLA Anthropology Department – Reading Room
Conference Schedule posted below
Register to attend at https://kaorganizing.eventbrite.com
Deadline to register November 5, Monday
Transnational populations are not merely the products of migration policies between two states.
Transnational orientation and activities reflect the impact of geopolitical issues, not the least being the influence of events – such as the 9/11 attacks–on the host country’s immigration policy.
In the past 20 years, mobilizations for progressive social change within the Korean American community have occurred. Mobilizations reflecting both conservative and progressive tendencies have been dealing with the
Korean peninsula – suddenly in the shadow of shifting militarist relations between the heads of state of North Korea and the U.S.
Our conference will share and discuss various efforts of Korean American civic engagement and local-level organizing: transnational activism, community organizing, local level politics, leadership, and cultural politics. We will analyze the impact of shifting geopolitics on the activism of Korean Americans. Moreover, we will examine the predicament of activists at the local level who are involved in global justice or geopolitical issues.
Sponsored by:
University of California, Los Angeles: Asian American Studies Center, Center for Korean Studies,
Korea Times–Hankook Ilbo Chair in Korean American Studies
Department of Anthropology, Asian American Studies Department
California State University, Dominguez Hills – Asian Pacific Studies Program
The Academy of Korean Studies, Korean Studies Promotion Service (한국학진흥사업단)
Sungkyunkwan University, Academy of East Asian Studies (성균관대학교 동아시아 학술원) Conference Schedule
9:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:30 am Welcoming Remarks
Jerry Kang, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and
Korea Times – Hankook Ilbo Endowed Chair, UCLA Karen Umemoto, Professor and Director, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA Eun-Ju Chung, Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
10:00 – 11:30 am Session 1
Speaker 1: Hyun Hee Kim, Seoul National University “Moving Together”: Inventing a Korean American Grassroots Movement beyond Ethnic Activism and Politicians Speaker 2: Kyeyoung Park, UCLA From Identity Based to Ideology Based Organizing: The Impact of Shifting Geopolitics on Second Generation Korean American Activism Moderator: Eun-Ju Chung, Sungkyunkwan University Discussant: Jennifer J. Chun, UCLA 11:30 am -1:00 pm Lunch (to be provided if rsvp received)
Keynote speaker: Paul Liem, Chairperson, the Korea Policy Institute Board of Directors
1:00 – 2:30 pm Session 2
Speaker 3: Jeong Duk Yi and Sang-Choon Yoo, Chonbuk National University Fragmented Incorporation – Preliminary Theorizing of 1.5 and 2nd Generational Korean American Incorporation into American Society through Civic Engagement Activities
Speaker 4: Eun-Ju Chung, Sungkyunkwan University Out of ‘Alien Citizens’: Everyday Activism for Cultural Citizenship among Suburban Korean Americans in Southern California Moderator: Kyung Koo Han, Seoul National University Discussant: Edward J.W. Park, Loyola Marymount University
2:40- 4:10 Session 3
Speaker 5: Kyung Koo Han, Seoul National University Mainstreaming Transnationalism: A Processual Approach to the Lives of Korean-Americans
Speaker 6: Jung Sun Park, California State University at Dominguez Hills Trans-Pacific Flows of Korean Pop Culture and Communities in the Making Moderator: Chul-In Yoo, Jeju National University Discussant: Jennifer Jung-Kim, UCLA