Declaring your major or minor can be kind of anti-climactic. New and old majors alike, come celebrate it with us!
Clear out your schedules– majors and minors old and new come join us January 19th, 2021 to “renew your vows” as an Asian Am major/minor. It was rough in 2020 but we want to start off on a new foot this 2021 and celebrate something we can all relate to– being an Asian Am student (the best kind). Join us and other Asian Am students in declaring your major in this mini-ceremony we have planned for check-in. We also want to recognize the mental toll that Zoom university has taken on everyone these past few quarters, therefore mental health wellness and discussion will also be a part of this check-in.
Did we also mention that if you RSVP by January 4th, 2021 we will be sending out FREE declaration/care packages?!?! What are you waiting for? Hurry and claim your package and seat at our next check-in!
*** Our check-in welcomes all undergraduate students but only majors and minors will be able to receive a care package (while supplies last). You must RSVP and follow the instructions in order to receive the zoom link for the event.
RSVP Link Here