RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/power-to-the-people50-years-of-bridging-research-with-community-conference-registration-73530903913
Join the UCLA Asian American Studies Center (AASC) and Asian American Studies Department (AASD) as we celebrate 50 years of AAPI research, teaching, social justice education and movement building at UCLA. This conference, co-organized with the Asian Pacific Planning and Policy Council (AP3CON), will bring together diverse and intergenerational communities to appreciate the legacies, genealogies, and futures of Asian American and Pacific Island Studies. With community engagement at the heart of the field, we strive to strengthen the connection between the university, community-based organizations and public decision-makers. Conference panels are designed to encourage dialogue about current research needs and possibilities for collaboration. Students and community members are encouraged to attend to engage with important issues and discover ways to get involved with current movements and organizing.
Plenary Sessions:
- Building Power
- Elevating Voices and Building Solidarities
- Alternative Imaginaries and Futures
- Navigating Gentrification through the Intersection of Communities, Governance, and Research
- Census 2020
- Caregiving Across Generations
- Introducing a Multi-Generational Domestic Violence Prevention Framework
- Human Trafficking
- Evolution of Asian American LGBTQ+ Community-Based Research: Exploring Capacity-Building and Collaboration
- Migration, Resettlement and Deportation of Refugee Communities
- Labor
- Housing and Homelessness in the AAPI Community
- API’s and the Green New Deal Movement
- API’s and Mental Health
- DisEDvantage: Barriers to AAPI Equality and Access to Education
Conference is organized by the UCLA Asian American Studies Department, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, and the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (A3PCON) and is co-sponsored by the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Institute of American Cultures, and Division of Social Sciences.
This event is part of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center’s 50th Anniversary events in 2019-2020.
For more information on the plenaries, workshops, and speakers, visit http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/aasc50/conf19/
To register for Day 1 of the conference featuring Jeff Chang with Tanzila Ahmed, visit: https://aasolidarity.eventbrite.com.
Visitors who plan on driving to the Luskin School should enter campus through the Hilgard entrance and park in Structure 3.
Structure 3 has Pay-by-Plate spots. You can purchase an all-day ($13) or short-term parking pass ($3/hr) at one of the self-service pay stations or through the ParkMobile App. Please take note of your license plate number before proceeding to a self-service pay station.
You may also purchase an all-day parking permit ($13) from the UCLA Information Parking Booth at Westwood Plaza and Strathmore before proceeding to Structure 3. Please note: Information & Parking Booths only accept cash and BruinCard payments.
For more information on parking at UCLA, please visit https://www.transportation.ucla.edu/campus-parking/visitors.
For public transportation, the Metro bus line 2/302 has a stop at Hilgard and Wyton by the Luskin School. The Santa Monica Blue Bus also has stops nearby at the bus terminal on Hilgard and Strathmore.